List of National Monuments in County Cork

The Irish state has officially approved the following List of National Monuments in County Cork. In the Republic of Ireland, a structure or site may be deemed to be a "National Monument", and therefore worthy of state protection, if it is of national importance. If the land adjoining the monument is essential to protect it, this land may also be protected.

National Monuments

NM# Monument name Description Image Townland Location
645 Altar (tomb) Wedge Tomb Altar
314 Ardskeagh Church Ardskeagh
301 Ballybeg Dovecote Ballybeg East
301 Ballybeg Tower Ballybeg West
301 Ballybeg Abbey Friary (Augustinian) Buttevant
22 Templekieran, Clear Island Church & Cross inscribed pillar Ballyieragh North
425 Ballinacarriga Castle Castle Dunmanway
641 Barryscourt Castle Castle Carrigtwohill
594 Blossomfort Ringfort Blossomfort
558 Glanworth Medieval tower Boherash
558 Glanworth Castle Castle Glanworth
558 Rock Abbey, Glanworth Friary (Franciscan) Boherash
450 Breeny More Stone Circle & boulder burials Breeny More
202 Buttevant Abbey Friary (Franciscan) Buttevant
233 Cahervagliar Ringfort Cappeen West
660 Carrigagulla Stone Circle Ballinagree
255 Carrigaphooca Castle Castle Macroom
255 Carrigaphooca Stone Circle Carrigaphooca
656 Castledonovan Castle Castle Castledonovan
281 Mallow Castle Castle Castlelands
536 Clodagh Standing Stones - Pair Clodagh, County Cork
240 Conna Castle Castle Conna
592 Carntierna Hillfort & Cairn Coolcarron, Corrin
565 Coolcoulaghta Standing Stones - Pair Coolcoulaghta
395 Coole Upper Two Churches Coole Upper
600 Derryarkane Stone Circle & Standing Stone Derryarkane
296 Drishane Castle Castle Drishane More
339 Dromaneen Castle Castle Dromaneen
381 Drombeg Stone Circle, Hut Site & Fulacht Fiadh Glandore
169 Sherkin Abbey Friary (Franciscan) Sherkin Island
374 Farranahineeny Stone Row Farranahineeny
284 Knockdrum Stone Fort Cashel Farrandau
426 Ballycrovane Ogham Stone Faunkill and the Woods
535 Charles Fort Star-Shaped-Fort Summer Cove
552 Greenhill Ogham Stones Greenhill
502 Island Wedge Tomb Island
490 Kilbolane Castle Castle Milford
182 Kilcrea Abbey Friary (Franciscan) Ovens
316 Kileenemer Church Killeenemer
436 Kilnaruane/Bantry Pillar Stone Shaft of High Cross Kilnaruane
420 Knocknakilla Stone Circle Macroom and Millstreet
318 Labbacallee wedge tomb Wedge Tomb Glanworth
18 Labbamolaga Church & Grave slabs Labbamolaga
333 Liscarroll Castle Castle Liscarroll
571 Lissacresig Stone Circle Lissacresig
571 Lissacresig Ringfort Lissacresig
Maughanasilly Stone Row Maughanasilly
411 Castlelyons Abbey Friary (Dominican) Mohera
525 James Fort Star-Shaped-Fort & Blockhouse Castlepark
517 Kanturk Castle Castle Kanturk
580 Skeagh Ring barrow & Cairn Skeagh
Mount Gabriel Prehistoric Mines Schull
618 Kinneigh Round Tower Round Tower Castletown-Kinneigh
21 Timoleague Abbey Friary (Franciscan) Timoleague
360 Desmond Castle or The French Prison, Kinsale Tower House Kinsale
299 Tullylease Church & Grave Slabs Tullylease
634 Michael Collins birth place Site with historic associations Woodfield
286 North Abbey, Youghal Friary (Dominican) Youghal
